If looking for a Disney timeshare, we may have a sale for you - Time to share the 'truth' about 'timeshares' - Disney Timeshare Sales

Time to share a ‘truth’ about ‘timeshares’

7 views - published on May 23rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Time to share a ‘truth’ about ‘timeshares’



More than 10 years ago while vacationing in Florida, we was given an offer that we could not refuse. “Come to this FREE two-hour convention and you’ll get two-FREE tickets to Disney World and two-FREE tickets to Universal Studios.” Back then, tickets to both Disney World and Universal Studios were approximately $60 per ticket. I’m a fool for FREE stuff. we was one of a initial people in line during a seminar. It incited out that this was no seminar. It was a high-pressure sales sourroundings for timeshares. At a time, we had no conceivable suspicion what a timeshare was. All we knew was that a sales deputy wanted me to compensate $15,000 for a right to have entrance to a condo for one week out of a year, each year. Even behind afterwards with positively no believe of timeshares, we suspicion this was one of a silliest concepts ever conceived. Today, we know it is.


A timeshare is a name given to square of genuine estate where a series of people share tenure in a theme property. A timeshare is a right to use or occupy one or some-more units on a periodic basement customarily one or dual weeks out of a year. Timeshare properties can mostly be found in destinations where people like to vacation.

A timeshare is a misfortune genuine estate squeeze we can ever make. They’re overpriced. The seductiveness rates on these deals are as high as credit cards (17 percent). Unlike many genuine estate purchases that go adult in value, a value on timeshares decreases. There are upkeep fees, skill taxes and other dark fees compared with owning timeshares. To make matters worst, once we figure out you’ve done a bad squeeze they’re intensely formidable to get absolved of. Timeshares have gotten such disastrous press over a years that intelligent marketers of timeshares are offered them underneath opposite names such as vacation clubs. With attention giants such as Disney, Hilton and Marriott now in a business of offered timeshares, timeshare tenure is flourishing rapidly. More than 4 million people around a universe possess timeshares. Timeshares are a fastest flourishing shred of a transport industry.

Below is what savvy marketers representation to gullible buyers of timeshares and a law about timeshares:

The pitch: You can vacation during your home review or sell your weeks for time during another resort.