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Disney promulgation Carrie Fisher personal tutor for Star Wars 7

10 views - published on April 29th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Carrie Fisher is again reliable that she will be reprising her purpose as Princess Leia in J.J. Abrams’ ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’.

The notoriously smart singer had formerly reliable as such usually to take behind what she had said, apparently in jest.

However over a final few months any of a strange contingent of actors and George Lucas himself have all oral about a earnings happening.

[Related story: ‘Star Wars 7’ won’t be sly says Kathleen Kennedy]

[Related story: J.J. Abrams will find George Lucas’ feedback during creation of ‘Episode 7’]

Fisher was asked about it during a Calgary Comic Expo over a weekend, revelation a packaged assembly that yes, we would be saying Leia again. The eventuality was reported on by a Calgary Herald.

That wasn’t all however: “I like being bought by Disney, since they never wanted to buy me before,” she pronounced during a talk. “I’m blissful they are doing a new film since they are promulgation a tutor to my residence so we can get in unequivocally good shape.

“So I’m unequivocally eating a lot of sugarine in advance, as we can see. By a time we unequivocally get down to it we will have eaten everything.”

The singer didn’t hold any of a film’s secrets, many expected since they’re sealed down and a volume of people in a know could be counted on one hand.

Also given a volume Fisher, Hamil and Ford have blabbed over a past few months it wouldn’t be quite essential to tell them either.

Disney Confirms ‘Star Wars Episode 7’ for 2015 – Moviefone.com

5 views - published on April 27th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

Patience is a trait — though one that “Star Wars” fans won’t have to exercise.

Disney and LucasFilm announced currently during CinemaCon in Las Vegas that they will recover a new “Star Wars” film each year starting in 2015.

That summer, a J.J. Abrams-directed “Star Wars: Episode VII” will flog off a new trilogy, featuring strange stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and (most likely) Harrison Ford. From afterwards on, a trilogy episodes will swap with standalone movies, rumored to concentration on characters like Yoda, Boba Fett, and a immature Han Solo.

It’s positively a extensive change from a 16 years fans had to wait between “Return of a Jedi” and “Phantom Menace,” or even a 10-year disproportion between 2005’s “Revenge of a Sith” and “Episode VII.” Disney has incited adult a dial on a “Star Wars” star given it bought Lucasfilm from George Lucas final fall.

Details about possibly a new trilogy or a standalones are few and precious. With a strange stars substantially returning, it seems expected that a new episodes will revolve around a children of Luke, Leia, and Han.

Related on Moviefone:

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  • 10. Being Caught in Nets

    strongLUCAS:/strong Leia, Han and C3P0 get held in a net in a forests of Endor (“Return of a Jedi”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Jack (Matthew Fox) and Kate (Evangeline Lilly) get held in a net in a jungle (“Lost,” “S.O.S”)

    It seems that a inhabitants of any densely wooded area — either they be machiavellian Ewoks or insane Frenchwomen — adore to set net traps. In “Jedi,” it leads to a explanation that a Ewoks ceremony glossy C3P0 as a god. In “Lost,” it led to a voluptuous “Jate” impulse (Jack and Kate, played by Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lily).

  • 9. The Chokehold

    strongLUCAS:/strong Leia chokes Jabba a Hutt (“Jedi”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Sawyer (Josh Holloway) chokes a genuine Mr. Sawyer to genocide (“Lost,” “The Brig”)

    “The Real Mr. Sawyer” (Kevin Tighe) busted a lot of lives on “Lost,” so he some-more than deserved it when Sawyer (Josh Halloway) a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emMq_r1BrGE”choked him to death/a with a length of sequence as payback for a genocide of his parents. It played out really many like a stage where Leia a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x1toKHOqMg”secured her leisure from a unpleasant Jabba a Hutt/a.

  • 8. Shooting First

    strongLUCAS:/strong a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu-TZpGdszA” Han shoots first/a (“Star Wars”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Sawyer shoots first. And often. (“Lost,” “Pilot,” “Outlaws,” and “Through a Looking Glass”)

    Sawyer — a surly, only-in-it-for-himself rapist who eventually valid to have a heart of bullion and a soothing symbol for a certain brunette — was clearly molded after Han Solo. And usually like Han, Sawyer favourite to get off a initial shot. Like when hea href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjJOIHb4vx” shot a frigid bear/a, a immorality “Other” Tom or (in a part “Outlaws”) a male he suspicion was a criminal male who’d busted his life.

  • 7. Discovering Dead Family Members

    strongLUCAS:/strong Luke finds a bodies of his aunt and uncle (“Star Wars”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Sydney (Jennifer Garner) finds a physique of her fiancé, Danny (“Alias,” “Truth be Told”)

    Who can forget that impulse in “Star Wars” when Luke earnings home to learn his aunt and uncle have been rigourously butchered? Not Abrams. Compare the
    scene in a commander of “Alias” when Sydney finds her fiancé passed in a bathtub after carrying told him a law about her work as a spy. As with Luke, Sydney’s journey
    had usually begun — and it was fueled by a need for revenge.
    (The impulse in “Alias” happens during a nine-minute mark.)

  • 6. Learning About Long-Lost Family Members

    strongLUCAS:/strong Luke learns a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3GaRN3SA4E”there is another Skywalker/a (“Jedi”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Jack finds out Claire (Emilie de Ravin) is his half-sister (“Lost,” “There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1”)

    So Jack’s father was a philandering dipsomaniac and Luke’s was a Jedi who’d incited to a dim side. Both of their sons were dumbfounded to learn they had a sister, someone they already knew really well! In Jack’s case, Claire was his half-sister and no, he never attempted to lick her. (Although some “Lost” fanfic writers were substantially dissapoint to learn a dual were related.) On “Alias,” Sydney also schooled that she had a half-sister she hadn’t famous about (Nadia, played by Mia Maestro), suggested in a fourth season.

  • 5. Learning About Long-Lost Family Members (Part 2)

    strongLUCAS:/strong Leia realizes she “always knew” a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9JiGljx3Ec”Luke was her brother/a (“Jedi”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Claire knows Jack is her hermit (“Lost,” “The Last Recruit”).

    It took a lot longer on “Lost” (two whole seasons) before Claire suggested that she knew Jack was her brother. Like Leia — who figured it out in a same film as Luke — we certain always knew “somehow.”

  • 4. Tearful Goodbyes

    strongLUCAS:/strong Han kisses Leia goodbye, afterwards a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO-KR-14uXM”is solidified in carbonite/a (“The Empire Strikes Back”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Sawyer and Kate have a weeping goodbye as he faces certain genocide (“Lost,” “I Do”)

    Kate doesn’t contend “I adore you” and Sawyer doesn’t contend “I know,” though a heartwrenching impulse where Sawyer is led divided to be shot is strikingly identical to a CO frozen stage in “Empire.” And if we wanted an epic goodbye kiss, Sawyer a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_Jgx1RTh30″gave Kate one in a “There’s No Place Like Home” episode/a, before he jumped out of a helicopter to save her and several others.

  • 3. Being Guided By a Ghost

    strongLUCAS:/strong Luke is a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2we_B6hDrY”instructed by a spook of Obi-Wan Kenobi/a (“Star Wars”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong The characters on “Lost” are guided by a puzzling Jacob

    “Lost”‘s mumbo-jumbo truth — we’re still not certain we entirely know it — concerned a murky figure named Jacob (Mark Pellegrino), who was means to seem and beam people even after his death.

  • 2. Father Issues

    strongLUCAS:/strong Luke won’t accept that Darth Vader is his genuine father (“Empire”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Peter learns Walter is a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u7BrdtNJOI”not his genuine father/a (“Fringe,” “The Man From a Other Side)”

    “Fringe” fans found out before Peter (Joshua Jackson) did that Walter (John Noble) had kidnapped him from an swap star as a child after his possess son (Peter’s double) had died, so it didn’t come as a finish startle that Darth Vader’s “Luke, we am your father” did. It was usually one of a biggest film reveals of all time, so Luke’s, “Nooo!” was understandable. Peter had a many some-more subdued, though equally horrified, reaction, one that had him rejecting a male perplexing to be his father. (On “Alias,” Sydney was also frightened to learn that her mother, whom she’d prolonged suspicion dead, was alive, and so immorality that she’d fire her possess daughter.)

  • 1. Self-Sacrifice

    strongLUCAS:/strong Obi-Wan Kenobi sacrifices himself to be one with The Force (“Star Wars”)
    strongABRAMS:/strong Walter sacrifices himself to save everybody in a universe (“Fringe,” “An Enemy of Fate”)

    Is it a fluke that 3 of J. J. Abrams’s array finish with categorical characters sacrificing themselves to save others, many as Obi-Wan authorised himself to be slain by Darth Vader in one of a many noted moments in “Star Wars?” In “Lost,” Jack gave his life to save a island and everybody on it, on “Alias,” Jack Bristow (Victor Garber) didn’t demur to blow adult his mortal rivalry along with himself and on a just-concluded “Fringe,” Walter frankly went with an Observer to save a whole world.

Disney to Release New ‘Star Wars’ Film Every Summer Starting in 2015

6 views - published on April 27th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Disney and Lucasfilm reportedly told CinemaCon attendees Wednesday that after Star Wars: Episode VII arrives in 2015, fans will see a new Star Wars film each successive summer.

These annual releases will embody a other dual cinema in a new trilogy and several standalone films, that will concentration on specific characters from a Star Wars franchise.

The categorical episodes — VIII and IX — will be expelled each other summer and a standalone film will be expelled during a off years, film sites reported when a news pennyless during a CinemaCon event in Las Vegas. CinemaCon brings together film museum owners.

J.J. Abrams, executive of a latest Star Trek movies, will approach Star Wars: Episode VII, Disney and Lucasfilm announced on StarWars.com in January. Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed a standalone films in February, adding that “They are not partial of a altogether saga.”

Image around Cate Gillon/Getty Images

JJ Abrams on directing Star Trek 3: ‘It’s a possibility’

5 views - published on April 27th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Saturday, Apr 27, 2013

Disney Plans to Use Marvel and Star Wars Characters in ‘Infinity’ – Game Rant

5 views - published on April 27th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Disney Infinity Will Include Star Wars and Marvel

In a pierce that many substantially saw entrance from miles away, Disney says they are positively looking brazen to including characters from Star Wars and Marvel in their stirring game, Infinity. They don’t have anything to announce only yet, yet they wish to make certain gamers are good wakeful a intensity is there.

Disney Infinity, for those that competence not know, can simply be explained as Skylanders with Disney characters. Gamers buy a duplicate of a game, an RFID portal, and a impression starter pack and they’re off and running.

The impression station on a portal influences what impression is seen on screen, and what diversion worlds are accessible. Some of a characters that Disney has announced so distant embody The Incredibles, Pirates of a Caribbean, and Cars.

Those are yet a tip of a iceberg for Infinity, though, as Disney Interactive has already teased. Essentially, any skill owned by Disney was clearly adult for grabs, definition Star Wars and Marvel as well.

Disney Interactive’s Bill Roper serve explained a wish of pulling from Disney’s immeasurable library of properties to Games Industry:

“I consider a beauty of something like Infinity is that it’s a height that we’re building. So we don’t try to be decorous about it – we’ve finished a lot of work about identifying a properties that we felt would unequivocally make a height sing during launch, yet we never bonus any possibilities with a immeasurable array of characters and worlds that we can daub into opposite a company.”

However, given a diversion was expected in growth before Disney acquired a Star Wars IP from LucasFilm – maybe even before Disney roped in Marvel as good – they didn’t lead off with those properties. Still, we have to assume they are good wakeful a dump trucks value of income gamers would be peaceful to send Disney’s approach if they put a few Marvel or Star Wars characters into Infinity.

As Roper explains, a folks during Disney Interactive suspicion a same thing fans did when Disney acquired LucasFilm:

“That was really sparkling when that [news of a acquisition] came down from within a company. We adore a intensity for Infinity – we always joke, well, ‘the possibilities are infinite’.”

Based on Roper’s quote it sounds like Disney Interactive is deliberation enlargement packs themed around those specific properties, or maybe they are saving those characters for a final push. Maybe they wish to set adult a simple judgment of Infinity, that is indeed utterly opposite from Skylanders with a ‘Toy Box’ mode, before entrance quick and mad with a impression reveals.

So yes, Star Wars and Marvel are headed to Infinity. Maybe not this sold incarnation of Infinity, yet really someday down a line.

Does it seem like a no-brainer that Infinity would embody Star Wars and Marvel characters? Should Disney Interactive embody a characters into a categorical line diversion or emanate specific spin-offs?

Disney Infinity releases Aug 18, 2013 for a Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3, 3DS, Wii U, and PC.

Source: Games Industry


Lucasfilm Cuts 20-Plus Jobs As Disney & ‘Star Wars’ Company Further Integrate

6 views - published on April 26th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

A week after layoffs during Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm was strike this week with pinkish slips of a own. More than dual dozen staff members were laid off, we have learned. The cuts came essentially in a company’s financing, chartering and placement groups and were not all together unexpected. In an email to employees progressing this month, Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy pronounced all  poignant classification changes during association would be finished by a finish of April. Sources tell me that this latest turn of cuts is reputed to be a final as Lucasfilm entirely integrates into a new owners Disney, that bought a Star Wars creators for $4.05 billion in October. The cuts come after LucasArts, a company’s video diversion division, shut down prolongation Apr 3 and laid off about 150 employees. There were also layoffs in Lucasfilm’s animation dialect after Disney said Mar 11 that it was discontinuing prolongation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars for Cartoon Network and pursing “ a new instruction in charcterised programming.”

About 150 employees in several groups of Disney Studios were let go final week after a association inner examination systematic late final year by CEO Bob Iger and CFO Jay Rasulo to brand remaining positions and boost efficiency.

Deadline’s Dominic Patten – tip him here.

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Five Ideas for Star Wars Spinoffs Disney Should Consider Making (and Four …

8 views - published on April 26th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

teenormous.comWhen Disney announced final week that skeleton are stirring to have a new Star Wars film in theatres each year starting in 2015, when a much-anticipated Episode VII is scheduled to strike a china screen, we were both anxious and unhappy during a same time.

As vital Star Wars fans, we’re automatically eager whenever anything new is expelled in a blockbuster tale (Yes, even that charcterised Clone Wars flick). But infrequently we can have too most of a good thing. Take it from Mark “Luke Skywalker” Hamill himself, who once said, “I like ice cream too…I only don’t wish it each day.”

See Also:
Seven Rumors About Star Wars and a New Trilogy
Five Reasons Why Star Wars Movies Will Be Better Under Walt Disney
The Star Wars That we Used to Know (VIDEO)

Since it’s unavoidable that Disney’s gonna float a Star Wars authorization like a tauntaun until it dies (or ceases creation them cashola, whichever comes first), we’re got some Obi-Wan-like recommendation about that ideas should get done and what should get jettisoned like an shun pod.

First, here’s 5 intergalactic tales we’re down to watch.

5. Young Lando
It’s been widely reported that Disney is deliberation a film clinging to Han Solo’s progressing adventures, that we’re certain will underline an equally younger chronicle of his Bespin bestie (and a strange owners of a Millennium Falcon), Lando Calrissian. Once that proves to be a success, cruise basing another whole spinoff on a “card player, gambler, [and] scoundrel.” Cast rapper/actor Childish Gambino, a male with adequate strut to lift it off, or even Scrubs star Donald Faison, who’s lobbied for a partial for ages.

Walt Disney World announces additional “Star Wars” Limited Time Magic fun for May …

8 views - published on April 26th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Over a past few years, Darth Vader has done a dress of violation into Disney’s press events. He initial did it behind in 2009 when a revamp of Star Tours was announced during a D23 Expo and he’s been speckled many times since, including during today’s “Monstrous Summer” presentation.

While Walt Disney World boss George Kalogridis was vocalization about Limited Time Magic, Vader, this time assimilated by Boba Fett, interrupted a arrangement for a special announcement.

Video: “May a 4th” jubilee announced for Limited Time Magic

On “Star Wars Day,” reasonably antiquated May a 4th, Disney’s Hollywood Studios will underline additional jubilee that includes relatives being means to join children in a Jedi Training Academy, a dance jubilee hosted by DJ Lobot, and even characters fasten guest for rides on Star Tours. Then it will all interpretation with a special fireworks uncover during a finish of a night.

It’s all function on May 4, 2013 only, as partial of Limited Time Magic. And those who wish to take partial in a Jedi Training Academy with their kids are speedy to uncover adult early, as there are singular slots available.

Here’s a full outline of a offerings, many of that will also be during Disneyland in California:

Meet Iconic Characters
Kick a jubilee off in style—experience a tighten confront with some of a many renouned characters from opposite a whole Star Wars saga.

Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Boba Fett and many some-more will be creation appearances and posing for pictures, including a few faces we competence not expect. Don’t let this extraordinary accommodate ‘n’ hail impulse pass we by!

Join Your Kids as a Jedi
Finally, all we relatives can group adult alongside your younglings and turn associate Padawans in a special book of a Jedi Training Academy.

Get prepared to chuck on a Jedi dress and flip a switch on that lightsaber, given it’s adult to we and your kids to frustrate a Sith and better Darth Vader, Darth Maul and a Dark Side of a Force once and for all!

Collect Cosmic Merchandise
A load reason of sorcery sell awaits collectors of all kinds, including limited-edition pins and special tees done only for a occasion!

With messages like “May a Fourth Be with You” and “Revenge of a Fifth”, we can literally wear a hyperspace hilarity on your sleeve. Collect these celebratory pins and tees during Superstar Shop in Disney’s Hollywood Studios while reserve last.

Dance a Dark Side Away
Get into a galactic groove, rebound to a Bespin kick and boogie your approach over to a Star Wars-themed Dance Party!

Join DJ Lobot as he spins informed tunes from a Star Wars saga, and afterwards bust a pierce on a dance building alongside some associate fans and a few favorite characters too!

See a Symphony in a Stars
Cap off “May a 4th Be with You” underneath a sea of stars as a vast array of colorful explosions lights adult a summer sky.

Come dusk time, take a chair on Hollywood Boulevard and settle in for “Symphony in a Stars,” a fantastic fireworks arrangement set to tighten a celebration. Catch all a extraordinary sights and sounds, a likes of that haven’t been seen given a tumble of a Empire!

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Disney Star Wars Video Goes Viral

6 views - published on April 26th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

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LOS ANGELES, April 24, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — ‘Star Wars VII – Return of a Empire’ has gotten roughly a million views in one week and continues to grow rapidly.  Director Sam Macaroni , famous for his renouned action/comedy youtube videos, has combined a universe where Disney and Star Wars characters brew seamlessly.  Movies.com called it “the Most Elaborate Disney Mash-up Yet.”  The Huffington Post pronounced “This Disneyfied “Star Wars” satire finally lets us see what would occur if R2D2 met WALL-E.”  USA Today pronounced “What astounded me is that it’s flattering well-made and manages to confederate several iconic Disney images in a humorous and courteous way.”  Geektyrant wrote “Star Wars VII – Return of a Empire might only be one of a funniest and best Disney Star Wars satire mashups that I’ve seen.” 

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130424/CG00306)

The blueprint rocketed around a web and has been featured in hundreds of blogs and internet forums this past week.  Sam Macaroni’s final Star Wars Spoof ‘Epic Jedi Gang Fight‘ has tighten to 2 million views to date, and his video ‘Puppet Break-up‘ has over 17 million views.  ‘Star Wars VII – Return of a Empire’ facilities renouned youtube stars ShayCarl, Timothy Delaghetto, EdBassmaster, Alex Farnham and Liz Katz ‘Star Wars VII – Return of a Empire’ is a partnership between Macaroni and his longtime emmy endowment winning partner Tim Montijo .  Other videos Macaroni and Montijo have worked on together are ‘Epic School Battle’ that stars rockers KISS and Steven Tyler , as good as ‘The Hunting Games’ starring internet favourite Jon LaJoie

“Star Wars is a vast partial of my childhood, as is Disney.  Return of a Empire is my approach of celebrating both worlds.  I’m happy that people seem to like it.  I’m really vehement to see what J.J. Abrams does with a new Star Wars.  I’m certain it will be epic,” pronounced Macaroni.

The video can be noticed during Sam Macaroni’s youtube page www.youtube.com/SamMacaroni as good as many some-more of his films.

To perspective this video on YouTube, greatfully visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCp6kzXK_6w

Media Contact:
Jim Dubbers Macaroni Movies, 310-386-1402, JimDubbers@gmail.com

News distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.com

SOURCE Macaroni Movies

Disney Star Wars, Super Mario Busters, And Other Mashups – Uproxx

47 views - published on April 26th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

Good afternoon we princes of Maine, we kings of New England, we stalkers of Loki’s stately locks. Here are all the mashup and satire videos we didn’t get a possibility to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster operative for a FBI.

In a offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: Here are 7 mins of a Disney-fied Star Wars. [via Topless Robot]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: Jason Inman set a audio from a third Man Of Steel trailer to applicable clips from Superman The Animated Series. It was surprisingly effective. [via Buzzfeed]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: James Farr done a Ghostbusters and Super Mario Bros mashup crowded of gaming references that we may have seen already. Now he’s behind with partial dual of The New Super Mario Busters.
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: Erin May edited a spoiler-filled Friends-style opening for Game of Thrones. It hasn’t been Ned Stark’s day, his month, or even his year. *perfectly-timed Joffrey slap compilation* [via BioTV]
  5. Banner picture: “Keep on Hustlin'” by Jason Chalker (Prints for sale here) [via]
  6. Inset design around Disney Star Wars.