My Big Fat Disney Wedding
10 views - published on June 12th, 2013 in Disney News tagged Disney, disney news, disneyland, walt disney, walt disney worldIn a end, we had 65 guest who trekked to Florida in Jul to watch us sell a vows on a Friday afternoon during a marriage pavilion, that is on a drift of a Grand Floridian hotel. We bused them to a ballroom during one of Disney’s other resorts for drinks, a four-course dinner, and an open bar, and we sneaked out to watch a fireworks during Epcot’s nightly show. We took a limo, not a potion carriage. It was a marriage channel that could have been replicated roughly anywhere in America, yet a perspective competence not have been so poetic or a food so good, or a courtesy to fact so loving. But there were a few things we could not have gifted anywhere else. We had a days before a wedding, and a weekend after, to revisit with a extended families and have cooking with friends. We went to a several parks, and sat by a pool, and laughed a lot. We combined a million memories and still tell stories of that trip.