Kingdom Hearts’ Creator Speaks on Disney’s Recent Acquisitions
11 views - published on June 12th, 2013 in Disney News tagged Disney, disney news, disneyland, walt disney, walt disney worldThere’ve been a handful of mornings over a past few years where Tetsuya Nomura, creator of a Kingdom Hearts array and executive of Final Fantasy XV, woke adult to some flattering engaging news. It turns out, these were a mornings where he awoke to hear word that Disney had purchased another in a litany of engaging companies. From Pixar and Marvel Entertainment, to Lucasfilm and 2014’s probable acquisition of Studio Ghibli, Disney has been fast elaborating into an party Goliath.
With news that Disney now owns a rights do these several companies and their particular properties, of march Nomura would get meddlesome and start devising a possibilities for those new characters and worlds inside of a Kingdom Hearts universe. In an E3 talk with IGN, he explained, “Whenever we hear of a news, we always say, ‘woah…they’ve finished it again.’”
“The initial thing we do when we find out this news is hit Disney and see if it’s something we can use [in Kingdom Hearts].”
We followed adult by seeking him if Disney had ever answered with a yes, to that he replied, “Disney’s companies are all unequivocally different. Sometimes a answer is ‘absolutely no,’ and infrequently a answer is, ‘…hmm, we don’t know…’”
Nomura was apparently a bit decorous about specific sum per specific Disney properties, generally deliberation that Kingdom Hearts III was just announced during Sony’s press conference a few days ago, followed by word that it’s entrance to Xbox One as well. But he was peaceful to elaborate a bit some-more on his attribute with a media giant, observant that, “Disney’s flattering honest. If a conditions is unequivocally difficult, they’ll say, it’s unequivocally difficult. If it’s impossible, they’ll contend it’s impossible.
Stay tuned to IGN for most some-more on a didactic talk with Tetsuya Nomura, including code new sum on Final Fantasy XV.
Marty Sliva is an Associate Editor during IGN. He’s still watchful for Kingdom Hearts to underline a turn from Song of a South. Follow him on Twitter @McBiggitty and on IGN.