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Netflix Expands Disney Partnership With Kids’ Shows

5 views - published on June 4th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , ,

Netflix Inc. (NFLX), a world’s largest
subscription video service, combined 5 shows from Walt Disney
Co.’s wire channels, strengthening a programming for families
with children.

The multiyear agreement gives Los Gatos, California-based
Netflix disdainful U.S. subscription streaming rights to Disney
Junior’s “Jake and a Never Land Pirates” and “Tron:
Uprising,” that front on Disney XD, a companies pronounced currently in
a statement. Terms for a shows, that began streaming today,
weren’t disclosed.

The understanding bolsters Netflix’s lineup of kids’ shows as it
focuses on exclusives and children’s programming to mount out
from competitors such as Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), a largest Web
retailer, and Hulu LLC. The new rights build on an agreement in
December giving Netflix entrance to films from Disney’s Pixar,
Marvel and Lucasfilm.

Netflix, a heading online subscription service, has also
funded strange programs such as a domestic thriller “House
of Cards,” and performed rights to a regenerated Fox show
“Arrested Development,” that starts streaming new episodes
May 26.

As partial of a new Disney agreement, Netflix will begin
streaming “Handy Manny,” “Special Agent Oso” and “JoJo’s
Circus” on a universal basement this month.

Netflix sealed a multi-year settle with Disney in December,
covering films that turn accessible starting in 2016.

Netflix rose 3.7 percent to $216.41 during a tighten in New
. The shares have some-more than doubled this year, a biggest
rise among members of a SP 500 Index. (SPX)

To hit a contributor on this story:
Cliff Edwards in San Francisco at

To hit a editor obliged for this story:
Anthony Palazzo at

Disney cuts understanding with Seven for Marvel’s SHIELD and other new series

8 views - published on June 4th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , ,

SHIELD_2Seven Network has picked adult several of a new play array launched by Disney Media Distribution during a LA Screenings.

The Australian free-to-air broadcaster told TBI that it has a Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series, that is constructed by ABC Studios and will be on ABC in a US this autumn.

Seven also has Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, a spin-off from ABC’s strike anticipation array Once Upon a Time. The ABC Studio-produced uncover is on ABC’s autumn slate.

Resurrection, a thriller about passed people who come behind to life from ABC Studios, Electus, Ol-Ka, Brillstein and Plan B Entertainment, also for ABC in a US, will also be on Seven.

The broadcaster has also taken Intelligence, a CBS TV Studios-produced tip representative array that has Josh Holloway (Lost) in a lead. It will be on CBS in a US, this autumn.

Seven has comparison a titles as partial of a outlay understanding with Disney. The studio’s other new shows this year enclosed Ryan Seacrest-produced dating play Mixology and singular camera comedy Trophy Wife.

Seven has nonetheless to endorse a array it will take from NBCUniversal and Sony, dual other studios with that it has outlay deals.

Disneyland Jacks Up Prices: How to Save on Theme Parks this Summer

12 views - published on June 4th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , ,

Taking a outing to a “House of Mouse” only got a small pricier. Disneyland (NYSE: DIS) and Disneyworld sheet prices increasing this week.

A one-day, single-park pass to Disneyworld in Orlando will cost $95 for adults, adult from $89, and $89 for children ages 9 and younger, adult from $83.  A one-day, single-park pass to Disneyland or California Adventure in Anaheim, Calif., will cost adults $92 or $86 for kids underneath 10, an boost of 6%. Parking passes during both locations also went adult by $1 to $16.

Consumers buying  a Deluxe Annual Passports, that concede acknowledgment to both California parks 315 days a year, and embody parking, face a biggest cost increases to $499 from $469. Premium Annual Passports for a California and Florida parks also went adult $20 to $669, and have no trance dates.

The Disney Premier Passport allows a holders to revisit total attractions in a California and Florida locations for $979, adult from $849.

Heather Hunter, open family executive during AAA, says a cost travel is not unexpected, as Universal Studios also recently lifted a day rates to $92 for adults and $86 for children in May this year. As schools are scarcely out for summer, it’s doubtful a costs will deter families from visiting these thesis parks, she says.

“…people will continue to go, they only need to be wakeful of a costs so they can budget.”

Here are a few tips from Hunter and Jennie Sanford who blogs during BargainBlessings.com and also serves as a Savings.com DealPro, how to cut behind on costs during thesis parks this summer.

No. 1:  Look for bundled packages. Hunter says if we are going to a park for a day, try to find deals that gold together food, park tickets and hotel bookings. “If we do a Disney dining plan, we can save a lot of money,” she says. “Think about your needs—if we are going for a few days or a week, try to gold together what we can.”

No. 2: Over Pack. Sanford says to over container if we can to equivocate carrying to make trips to drugstores or buy equipment during a park, that tend to be noted up. She suggests creation certain to container equipment like sunscreen, snacks and Band-Aids.

“Anything we forget final notation will be outrageously labelled anywhere in thesis park or hotel,” she says. “Sunscreen, hats, raingear and puncture medicine should all be purchased and brought with you- don’t be disturbed about purchasing when we get here.”

No. 3: Look for hotel freebies. Sanford says hotels that offer giveaway shuttles to and from thesis parks will save we a lot on money, and giveaway breakfast and hotel party can save we some-more income during your stay.

“Most vital hotels around a park will offer this, though it can save we a lot of money,” she says. “Also demeanour for things that can keep your family entertained after hours during a hotel.”

Follow Kate Rogers on Twitter during @KateRogersNews

Amanda Bynes Adds Some Disney-Inspired Wigs To Her Questionable Wardrobe!

7 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , , ,

Can’t keep this lady away!

At slightest this time Amanda Bynes isn’t job anyone ugly or revelation them to kill themselves.

But she is gripping us all updated around Twitter about her authorised matters after being arrested for presumably possessing pot and allegedly throwing a bong out a window.

Our wig-lovin’, trampoline bouncin’ small lady suggested a inneresting deets:

Read some-more »

[Image around Twitter.]

Disney Will Donate Revenue From ‘Lone Ranger’ Premiere to American Indian …

5 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , , ,

This shave of Maria Tallchief dancing in…

Day during Disney now some-more costly than ever

5 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , , ,

When we wish on a star, be certain to move your wallet. Disneyland has taken another step toward apropos a priciest place on earth.

Disney pronounced in a matter that starting Sunday, a one-day adult sheet to one park will cost $92, a $5 increase. The Los Angeles Times says a single-day sheet to Disneyland Park or a Disney California Adventure Park for business age 10 or comparison rose scarcely 6 percent,  now costing $92. Admission for kids ages 3 to 9 also rose to $86 from $81.

Buyers of annual passes will see identical increases.

The Disneyland matter says a cost hikes were brought on by “a accumulation of factors,” though that a tickets paint a good value given a extent and peculiarity of attractions and entertainment” a parks offer.

In Florida, a Orlando Sentinel says  visitors age 10 and adult will compensate $95 to enter a Magic Kingdom. For children ages 3 to 9, tickets will cost $89. This $6 cost travel creates Magic Kingdom a many costly of a Disney thesis parks. A one-day sheet for a other parks costs $90.

“Like any business, we weigh and adjust a pricing formed on a accumulation of factors,” Disney orator Bryan Malenius told a Sentinel. “A sheet to a thesis parks represents a good value, quite when we demeanour during a extent and peculiarity of attractions and party we offer and a special moments guest knowledge with a cast.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Magic Your Way: Up-to-Date Ticket Prices and Resort Rates

6 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , , ,

Click a couple next to download a printable PDF chronicle of a Magic Your Way: Facts On Walt Disney World Prices (requires a giveaway Adobe Reader software).

The press recover contains finish information about stream Walt Disney World Resort sheet prices, review hotel rates, special assets for Florida residents and more.

Magic Your Way: Facts On Walt Disney World Prices (PDF)

“A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasures of a Seven Seas” Opens during Magic Kingdom

7 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , , ,

Stayin' Alive ~ A Tribute to a Bee Gees kicks off a Sound Like Summer Concert Series on Saturday, Jun 9 during a America Gardens Theatre in a Epcot World Showcase.

Sounds Like Summer Concert Series Brings Classic Hits to Epcot Through July

Stayin’ Alive ~ A Tribute to a Bee Gees kicks off a Sound Like Summer Concert Series on Saturday, Jun 9 during a America Gardens Theatre in a Epcot World Showcase.

American Dream : Wie eine Luxus-Villa des US-Milliardärs David Siegel zum …

14 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

David stöhnt vor laufender Kamera unter Jackies Gewicht. Sie sind stolz. Sind sie glücklich? Jackie ist 43. David ist 74. Der Altersunterschied von über 30 Jahren stört sie nicht sonderlich. Das alles ist im Jahr 2007, als Lauren Greenfield ihre fünf Jahre umfassende, abendfüllende Langzeitdoku „Die Königin von Versailles“ beginnt.

Das Haus, in dem die Siegels mit ihren acht Kindern und 19 Angestellten in Florida leben, umfasst 2500 Quadratmeter. Leider platze es aus allen Nähten, wie Jackie Siegel meint, sodass sie sich nun vergrößern wollen: Das US-Versailles ist geplant, das größte Eigenheim der USA: Das Versailles der Siegles, von dem male nach Disney-World hinüber sehen kann, ist auf 8000 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche veranschlagt. Mit eigener Bowlingbahn, Eislaufbahn, Rollschuhbahn. Mit zehn Küchen und eigener Sushi-Bar. Mit zwei Tennisplätzen und einem Baseballfeld draußen. Die Kinder bekommen einen kompletten Flügel des Gebäudes. Bescheidenheit ist anders. Realismus auch.

Als Jackie im sehr eng anliegenden rosafarbenen T-Shirt und in sehr kurzen Blue Jeans einmal mit einer Freundin durch die giganteske Baustelle des Rohbaus stakst, über die weit geschwungene Treppe in der Empfangshalle, und ganze Zimmerfluchten als ihren noch einzubauenden begehbaren Kleiderschrank erklärt, da shawl diese Szenerie etwas nahezu Gespenstisches. In der riesengroßen Garage lagert Marmor aus China im Wert von fünf Millionen Dollar. Das Versailles des Präsidenten-Machers David Siegel, es ist ein monströser Palast. Kostenpunkt: 100 Millionen US-Dollar. Größenwahn ist hier nicht mehr weit.

Wahlkampfhife für basement Präsidenten

Wenn der Bau einmal fertig ist, wird er vollständig mit Möbeln im Louis-Quatorze-Stil eingerichtet, so David, der Ex-Präsident George W. Bush kennt und ihm im Jahr 2000 in Florida maßgeblich im Wahlkampf geholfen hat: „Ich habe persönlich dafür gesorgt, dass George W. zum Präsidenten gewählt wurde. Wie, das verrate ich lieber nicht. Womöglich wäre es nicht ganz legal…“.

Dann kommt das Jahr 2008, und es macht auch vor basement Siegels und ihrem Gigantismus nicht halt: Lehman Brothers, Börsencrash, Firmeninsolvenzen. Siegels lukratives „Timeshare“-Geschäft mit seinen „Westgate Resorts“ – bei dem Kunden für tausende Dollar das Recht auf Lebenszeit erlangen, eine Woche im Jahr Urlaub in basement Luxus-Apartments zu verbringen – wird zum Millionengrab. Die Banken wollen ihre Gelder. Der Milliardär droht, Pleite zu gehen. Er disorder Tausende an Mitarbeitern entlassen. Und Versailles? Siegels Sohn Richard aus erster Ehe, Direktor der Resorts, hält in der Firma die Stellung, führt das Kamerateam durch endlos lange leerstehende Gänge und Räume des gläsernen „PH Towers“ in Las Vegas. Sein Vater sei sein Arbeitgeber, so der Sohn, und er sein Arbeitnehmer. Nein, sie seien sich nicht sehr nah. Traurigkeit schwingt da mit.

Es ist das Jahr 2012. Jackie ist 48. David ist 79. Nichts mehr ist so, wie es vor fünf Jahren noch war. Das Leben der Siegels wurde in seinen Grundfesten erschüttert, kein Lebensstein liegt mehr auf dem anderen. Die Angestellten werden sukzessive entlassen. Jackie disorder lernen, zu kochen. Überall in dem 2500-Quadratmeter-Haus herrscht Unordnung. Der Zerfall schleicht sich ein. David wendet sich von der Familie ab, oftmals sitzt er abends allein vor dem großen Flachbildschirm, lässt sich das Essen dorthin bringen, redet mit niemandem mehr ein Wort. Ob die Familie ihm etwas bedeute?, fragt Lauren Greenfield aus dem Off. „No!“ lautet die knappe Antwort. Sein Gesicht wirkt nun, 2012, ganz anders als noch in 2007. Das Funkeln in basement Augen ist verschwunden. Die Selbstsicherheit auch. Ein gebrochener Mann. Da shawl einer das verloren, was ihm alles bedeutete: Der „American Dream“ der Siegels ist geplatzt.

So zeigt Lauren Greenfields eindrücklicher und genauer Dokumentar-Langfilm basement Verlauf einer Biographie vor dem Hintergrund der jüngsten US-Geschichte. Es ist auch die frappierende Geschichte des allmählichen Zerfalls einer Familie: Buddenbrooks à la americaine. Einmal – es fight vor der fatalen 2008er Finanzkrise und es ging um seine „Timeshare“-Vermietungen an US-Durchschnittsbürger -, da meinte David Siegel, und er saß damals noch in seinem mit Gold überzogenen Fauteuil: „Jeder Mensch will reich sein. Wer nicht reich sein kann, soll sich wenigstens mal reich fühlen können. Wer das nicht will, ist wahrscheinlich – tot.“

„Die Königin von Versailles“, Dienstag, ARD, 22 Uhr 45

Wyndham Worldwide CFO Tom Conforti to Deliver Keynote Address for …

16 views - published on June 3rd, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,
Hospitality Industry Leader To Share Insights of Remarkable Turnaround Story and Highlight Strategic Role of CFO during Premier Finance Executive Event 

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Proformative, a pioneering personality in Enterprise Social Procurement(TM) for a bureau of a CFO, currently announced that Tom Conforti, executive clamp boss and CFO of Wyndham Worldwide (NYSE: WYN), will be a keynote orator for CFO Dimensions 2013, a premier discussion for arch financial officers and corporate financial leaders. The event, that will concentration on a vital care purpose financial plays within a enterprise, is scheduled for Aug 21-22 during a New York Marriott Marquis.

With scarcely 3 decades of believe in finance, management, vital formulation and collateral markets, Conforti assimilated Wyndham Worldwide in 2009 after a company, like many others in a liberality industry, had been strike tough by a recession. His confidant care in adopting artistic financial strategies — such as changeable to an asset-light financial indication directed during collateral optimization, among other transformations — enabled a association to clear large craving value. As a result, Wyndham Worldwide has turn one of a tip behaving bonds in a SP 500, surging 2,130% given 2009. The liberality personality was named in 2012 and 2013 as one of a “world’s many dignified companies” by FORTUNE magazine, and IR Magazine recently famous Conforti for Best Investor Relations by a CFO (mid-cap).

“As a universe of financial and business in ubiquitous continues to rise in complexity, a purpose of a CFO has also continued to change–enabling financial to play a heading purpose opposite a enterprise,” pronounced Conforti. “I am respected to broach a keynote for such an successful organisation of financial leaders as those who will be attending Proformative’s CFO Dimensions and demeanour brazen to pity what we have schooled around this conspicuous journey.”

Prior to fasten Wyndham Worldwide, Mr. Conforti was arch financial officer of DineEquity Inc., a publicly hold association that franchises and operates restaurants underneath a Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill Bar and IHOP brands. Earlier in his career, Conforti hold a series of ubiquitous management, financial and vital roles over a ten-year duration in a Consumer Products Division of a Walt Disney Company, within a College Textbook Publishing Division of CBS and a Soft Drink Division of Pepsico.

“We are gay that Tom will be fasten us for a second annual CFO Dimensions conference,” pronounced Proformative CEO John Kogan. “The success story that Tom has been instrumental in formulating for Wyndham Worldwide, along with his abyss and extent of government and financial experience, will be useful to a financial leaders who will be in attendance.”

Addressing a elaborating care purpose of a CFO and a comparison financial government team, CFO Dimensions 2013 offers attendees a singular event to rise new and profitable veteran connections, share knowledge, and learn from some of a world’s heading financial professionals around world-class speakers and profitable educational sessions and workshops. Registration is $899, with early bird pricing of $350 accessible for competent practitioners until Jun 28, 2013. Please revisit a discussion page for some-more information and to register today.

About Wyndham Worldwide

One of a world’s largest liberality companies, Wyndham Worldwide (NYSE: WYN) provides a far-reaching operation of liberality products and services by a tellurian portfolio of world-renowned brands. The world’s largest hotel association formed on a series of properties, Wyndham Hotel Group is home to many of a world’s best-known hotel brands, with approximately 7,380 franchised hotels and over 631,800 hotel bedrooms worldwide. Wyndham Exchange Rentals is a worldwide personality in vacation sell and a world’s largest professionally managed vacation rentals business, providing some-more than 5 million leisure-bound families annually with entrance to over 106,000 vacation properties in 100 countries by a distinguished sell and vacation let brands. The attention and timeshare tenure marketplace leader, Wyndham Vacation Ownership develops, markets, and sells vacation tenure interests and provides consumer financing to owners by a network of 190 vacation tenure resorts portion approximately 915,000 owners around a United States, Canada, Mexico, a Caribbean, and a South Pacific. Based in Parsippany, NJ, Wyndham Worldwide employs approximately 32,500 associates globally.

For some-more information, greatfully revisit www.wyndhamworldwide.com.

About Proformative

The largest and fastest-growing online village and apparatus for CFOs, Proformative has remade a approach that corporate financial professionals bond and network, weigh and squeeze products and services, and build their businesses. With an assembly strech of some-more than 600,000 corporate financial and business executives during companies trimming from tiny start-ups to a Fortune 500, Proformative is a pioneering personality in craving amicable procurement, a peer-driven village indication that is revolutionizing a approach CFOs and financial executives weigh and gain formidable products and services. Proformative is formed in Silicon Valley, CA.

SOURCE Proformative

/CONTACT: Renee Maler, Philosophy PR + Marketing, +1-925-968-9495, renee@philosophypr.com

/Web site: http://www.proformative.com