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Carrie Fisher hints during ‘Star Wars’ lapse again

17 views - published on April 29th, 2013 in Disney News tagged , , ,

April 29, 2013 10:36

Actress says Disney are promulgation a tutor to her residence to whip her into Princess Leia shape

Carrie Fisher hints during 'Star Wars' lapse again

Carrie Fisher has forsaken some-more hints that she will be returning to Star Wars.

In a repository talk final month (March), Fisher seemed to endorse she would be reprising her iconic purpose as Princess Leia, though fast backtracked and insisted she was “joking”. However, she has now oral out about Disney’s new Star Wars film again.

During a debate this Saturday (April 27) during a Canadian sci-fi gathering attended by a Calgary Herald, a singer joked: “I like being bought by Disney, since they never wanted to buy me before.”

Continuing to riff on Star Wars, she added: “I’m blissful they are doing a new film since they are promulgation a tutor to my residence so we can get in unequivocally good shape. So I’m unequivocally eating a lot of sugarine in advance, as we can see. By a time we unequivocally get down to it we will have eaten everything.”

Meanwhile, a reduction witty Harrison Ford has come tighten to confirming his lapse as Han Solo, saying final month (March): “I consider it’s happening.” Mark Hamill has certified he is in talks to reprise his purpose as Luke Skywalker.

The new Star Wars film is being helmed by JJ Abrams, executive of a soon-to-be-released Star Trek Into Darkness and co-creator of Lost. Toy Story 3 author Michael Arndt has been hired to coop a book and Disney is aiming for a 2015 release.


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